
Commodity v – He Descended into the dead – On the 3rd 24-hour interval He rose once more.

The body of Jesus was reposed into the tomb, while his soul descended into the Sheol. Jesus went into the Sheol to proclaim the Good News to the souls of the dead. Every bit Scripture says: In the torso he was put to decease, in the spirit he was raised to life, and, in the spirit, he went to preach to the spirits in prison. (ane Peter three:18019).

The souls of the just entered in paradise, while the souls of the evil ones went to hell. The souls of those who dice after the resurrection of Christ practice non become whatever more o the Sheol, merely to purgatory, hell or paradise.

The  Sheol, or the kingdom of the dead, is the place where the souls of the dead stayed earlier the resurrection of Christ. Paradise was airtight by the original sin of Adam, and was opened again past the resurrection of Christ. Jesus is the only door towards paradise every bit he said: I am the gate, anyone who enters through me will be prophylactic (John x:9).

On the third twenty-four hours He rose again.

At dawn, on the beginning 24-hour interval of the calendar week, Mary Magdalene and other women went to the tomb. All at one time, there was a violent earthquake. The angel of the Lord, descending from the sky, rolled away the rock and sat on it. He said to the women: There is no need for yous to be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is non hither, for he has risen, equally he said he would. Come and meet the place where he lay. So go quickly, and tell his desciples: He has risen from the dead. Filled with awe and dandy joy the women left the tomb and ran to everything to the disciples (Matthew 28:1-viii).

Upon hearing the news, Peter and John ran into the tomb. When they saw the linen cloths on the footing, they believed. Till that moment, they had failed to empathize the Scriptures, that Jesus had to rise from the expressionless. And they went home again (John 20:3-ten).

Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene stayed near the tomb, weeping. Jesus appeared to her and said: Adult female, why are yous weeping?. Mary, supposing him to exist the gardener said: Sir, if you accept taken him away, tell me where you accept put him. Jesus said: Mary!. She knew him and exclaimed: Principal!. Then she emrbraced him. Jesus said to her: Practice non cling to me, because I have not all the same ascended to the Male parent. But go and tell to the brothers: I am ascending to the Father and your Father, to my God and to your God. So Mary Magdalene went and told the disciples what the Lord had said (John 20:11-18).

The guards of the tomb went off into the city to tell the main priest all that had happened. The chief priests handed a practiced sum of money to the guards with these instruction: You must say that his disciples came during the night and stole him abroad while we were asleep. (Matthew 28: 11-fifteen).

Afterward Jesus appeared to the apostles gathered in the Cenacle. He said to them: Peace be with you. Thomas was non with tem. He had said : Unless I come across the holes that nails fabricated in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they fabricated. And unless I put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe. Eight days later Jesus appeared over again to them, and he said to Thomas: Put your finger here; look, here are my easily. Give me your paw; put information technology into my side. Incertitude no longer simply believe! Thomas replied: My Lord and my God! Jesus said to him: You believe considering yous can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe (John 20: 19-29).

Then, Jesus appeared to the two disciples of Emmaus. As they were on their way home, Jesus appeared to them and said: Yous foolish men! So boring to believe the full message of the prophets! Was information technology non ordained that Christ should endure and so enter into his celebrity? Then, starting from Moses and going through all the prophets, he explained them the passages throughout the Scriptures that were nearly himself. Afterward, while he was at table with them. He took the bread and said the approving. Then he broke the bread and gave information technology to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he had vansihed from their sight. Immediately, they went back to Jerusalem and announced to the disciples the resurrection of Christ. (Luke 24: 13-35).

Again, Jesus appeared to the apostles. He said to Simon Peter for three times: Simon son of John, do you lot beloved me more than these? He answered: Lord you know everything, you know I love you. And Jesus replied: Look subsequently my sheep (John 21:15-17). Peter denied Jesus three times also, by repeating: "Look after my sheep", Jesus consecrated Peter, and his successor, every bit the head of the shepherds of his Church building.

Pope Francis' Homily in Manila Cathedral regarding the Bible Passage of John.

The resurrection of Christ is the center of our Faith. As Saint Paul said: If Christ has not been raised and then our preaching is useless and your believing is useless. (1 Corinthians 15: 14).