Cutting Open Stomach to Remove 12 Inches of Sigmoid Colon Cause Continuous Pain
"Redundant Colon" sounds pretty dangerous! It is obviously a medical condition which may bother the affected person when they get to know about it for the first time. However, in many cases Redundant Colon is not serious and does not require medical treatments; unless it causes some kinds of abdominal discomforts. In this current article we will know about the symptoms, treatments and diet for Redundant Colon.
Overview on Redundant Colon:
Colon, also known as the large intestine is a part of our digestive system. It is attached to the small intestine at one end and is attached to the rectum and anus at another end. There are large amounts of bacteria present in the colon and they work in breaking down any remaining of the undigested food material. Apart from this, the colon also absorbs water and transports the remaining waste to the rectum, where it is expelled as stool from the body.
Usually the average size of the colon is 120 to 150 cms or roughly about 47 to 60 inches in length. However in case a person suffers from the redundant colon, he or she has an abnormally long colon, especially in the descending colon or in the final section of the colon. A redundant colon has shows some additional loops or twists in it. Some other names known for a redundant colon are elongated colon or tortuous colon.
Though there are many cases where people would never experience any symptoms even if there is a presence of a redundant colon in them and may not require treatments for the same; however in other cases they may show some irritating or disturbing symptoms and may require treatments in order to keep away from any serious complications in the condition. We will know about the symptoms and treatments in the following array of our article.
Symptoms of Redundant Colon:
As mentioned above, there may be cases where the person with a redundant colon may not require any treatment as he or she would never experience any symptoms in the condition. However, there are also cases where people with redundant colon may show some serious symptoms and require treatments and special at-home care. Below are some of the noted symptoms which may be experienced in people with a redundant colon.
- Constipation
- Faecal impaction
- Increased bloating
- Diarrhea
- Lower abdominal pain
Complications or Conditions Associated with Redundant Colon:
Below are some of the complications which can be experienced in a person with noted symptoms in redundant colon when left untreated.
- Constipation in redundant colon may lead to complications like haemorrhoids, rectal prolapsed or anal fissures; which may cause the intestine to protrude from anus.
- In patients with a redundant colon, there may be a risk of a condition where the colon is twisted around itself and is known as colonic volvulus. This condition may slow or completely stop the flow of stool leading to a colonic obstruction and may immediately require a surgical treatment for the same.
- Part of the colon closest to the rectum is known as sigmoid colon. In case a person has a redundant sigmoid colon showing symptoms, there are chances he or she may lead to a condition known as sigmoid volvulus which may show symptoms like nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, failing to pass a bowel movement at times, a distended, air-filled abdomen etc.
- Some people may experience diarrhea and traces of bloods in stool
When to Meet Doctor?
As mentioned earlier, there are chances that redundant colon may sometimes require strict and immediate treatments. Here we will take a look on some of the symptoms to check in a redundant colon and which requires an emergency medical help.
- Extreme stomach pain or severe lower abdominal pain
- Vomiting brown, stool-like contents
- Not having a bowel movement for more 3 or than 3 days.
Causes of a Redundant Colon:
It is known that people have a genetic predisposition for a redundant colon. So, in case a person in the family has a redundant colon, there are chances that other family members may also suffer from the condition with a redundant colon. However, it must also be noted that there are also some people who may have a redundant colon even without any cause for the same. Conditions like colitis, cancer etc may cause more complications in a person with redundant colon.
It is essential to meet your doctor in case of any noted symptoms for proper diagnosis and treatments in a redundant colon.
Treatments for Redundant Colon:
We have talked earlier that many times the person with a redundant colon may not be aware of his or her condition of Redundant Colon as the condition may not show any symptom. So, mostly a redundant colon is diagnosed while doing clinical tests like X-ray and colonoscopy for any other gastrointestinal issue a person suffers from.
However, once a redundant colon is detected in a person; he or she must follow some dietary habits,(mostly including fiber containing foods to the diets) and some other steps in order to treat or reduce the condition naturally.
Medical treatments for a redundant colon may be required in case the symptoms are more severe or in case they do not respond to at-home care steps. Effective treatments usually include surgery, which is essential in case of emergency in a redundant colon, or when the person is not able to pass stool out of the body. However in other less severe cases where symptoms of chronic constipation or any other in a redundant colon do not reduce with dietary changes, one must meet a doctor who would prescribe some additional fiber-containing supplements to be included along with the fiber diets.
Diet for Redundant Colon:
Below are some of the at-home care steps involving diet that is essential to be followed by a person having a Redundant Colon.
Essential Dietary Habits That Needs to be Included in Patients With Redundant Colon:
In case you are suffering from constipation in a redundant colon, you may help yourself by making some alterations in your dietary habits. This will help you prevent constipation and have regular bowel movements. Maintaining a diet relevant enough to treat the condition in a redundant colon will also help you keep away from further complications associated with the condition. Let us know about the appropriate dietary habits that need to be included by the person affected with a redundant colon.
- It must be noted that men need at least 30 grams of fiber and women needs 20 grams of fiber in a day. Adding fiber to your diet will help in reducing the symptoms associated with redundant colon. It is known that by adding fiber rich foods to regular diet one will help self have lesser episodes of constipation in a redundant colon. However, it must be noted that addition of fiber to the diet must be done slowly and gradually in order to prevent self from abdominal pain, bloating and gas which may occur if fibre rich foods are added to the diet too quickly.
- Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber in them. So eating them generously will allow the stool to remain soft and thus the person affected will have to strain less while his bowel movements in redundant colon.
- Whole grains and beans are some other good fiber sources which can be added to the diet for patients suffering from Redundant Colon.
- Whole Wheat bread, oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice etc may be added to get some good fiber contents. Adding a salad to the diet will get more fiber.
- Include Flaxseed In Your Diet For Redundant Colon. Apart from fiber, there are foods which act as natural laxatives. Flaxseeds are one such foods which contain mucilage and fiber in it and that helps in improving bowel movement. Apart from this, prunes may also be helpful in reducing symptoms in a redundant colon. The fiber content present along with the sorbitol and phenolic acids in the prunes are responsible to improve the bowel function.
Other Essential Steps to Follow at Home:
- Drinking plenty of water is essential to reduce or treat the symptoms like constipation in a redundant colon. Water along with what we eat in order to treat the symptoms in a redundant colon will make the stool softer and easier to eliminate out of the body.
- Make sure you are avoiding the more processed foods as they contain less amount of fiber in them.
So, encourage healthy dietary habits, drink plenty of water, take very good care of self and do not delay to reach a doctor in case of serious symptoms or in case of prolonged issues in a redundant colon. After all, "An expert will always remain an expert!" It is essential to go for an expert advice, get properly diagnosed about the condition and undergo the prescribed treatments for a redundant colon.
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